I had two days vacation this week now am in the middle of a basketball free weekend and I don't know what to do with myself. It's crazy, if we aren't mach 10 with our hair on fire I don't think that we are doing enough. Oh well, I managed to get all of the laundry done, going to mark some clothes for a friend's garage sale, and am finally taking AE in for a very long overdue haircut. The kid has more hair than anyone I know it is crazy how much hair she has. She can no longer go to Kids' Hair because she looks like she is 15 and has more hair than 5 kids combined. I realize how much she is growing up and am thinking she and I need to go and hang out. JG is going to a hockey game and then having a sleep over with his best buds. AE is growing up and I want to stop the clock, make it go backwards a bit like Benjamin Button.
There is no normal.