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So proud

When we arrived home from vacation there was an envelope from AE's school district among the piles of magazines and bills. I opened the envelope fully expecting to find information about a District 279 fundraiser. Instead the letter began with, "To the Family of AE: Congratulations! AE has been selected to be the recipient of an Educational Shareholder Award at the District 279 Foundation annual Investment in Youth event." I couldn't comprehend the letter at first and had to stop and re-read the first sentence again. There was a corresponding essay:

AE is a 3rd grader at Weaver Lake Elementary. In her 3rd grade classroom there are several children with Autism whom she has taken under her wing. Last year she asked her mother to request a classroom with students from the Connect program. Some of the things AE has done to help these students are she sits by them during instruction time and walks them through the directions, she helps them fill out their assignment notebooks, and includes them in different peer interactions. She is an outstanding Weaver Lake student; she is respectful, responsible and is a great peer model.

I sat down and began to cry. I used to ask AE who she played with at recess and she would often answer "nobody". DLS and I discussed whether we should be worried and finally brought up our perceived anti-social behavior at a conference. Her teacher Mrs. R told us AE was busy every day at recess helping with BB and another little boy TB, she was so helpful and kind to them. She also said AE warmed her heart with her good deeds towards others. We asked AE why she told us she wasn't playing with anyone and her explanation was, "Mom I am not playing with anyone, but helping BB and TB." Our child is very literal.

AE doesn't really understand what all the fuss is about, she was just doing what she wanted and what she thought was the right thing do. How can you ask for anything more?


Karen said…
THAT is the single coolest thing I have heard all day. Awesome.
K~ said…
That is so touching. I am just in awe over my kids. I learn things about what they are doing at school and my heart just swells and it is like I can take a deep breath. That is so special and she sounds just wonderful. Congrats on all your hard work too. When she is seeking for a path in her life, don't forget to reminder of this. I wish I had been reminded of my compassion to help others. I might have taken a different career path. I seems impossible that she may not see this as a career path in her future, because it is so ingrained as a part of her at such a young age. Just a thought. You and your significant are doing great! Yeah! K~
Susan said…
K - You are so right about following a path. I truly believe this is something she will pursue in life and here it is coming through so strong and clear at such a young age. I like you, wish I would have listened to that little voice when I was younger as well. I wouldn't have spent so much time and energy in the profession I was in. Life is too short.
Anonymous said…
Susan - You are an AMAZING person and mother. It's not a wonder that AE is such an original. I'm proud and inspired that I know both of you.

bobbione8y said…
you know, that is just cool. my mentee J. was just telling me this week about a "contest" that a big corp. is offering up to kids in her class, if they write an essay about how they will make a difference in the world.

her thoughts blew me away. we so underestimate the passion for serving that our kids are BORN with!

glad AE is using hers :))
carey said…
Wow. That's cooler than winning any sports trophy or spelling bee. That's the stuff that makes World Changers!
Chris said…
What a great kid.

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