This morning JG snuggled in bed with me and listed off the rules of our household as he understands them:
- No throwing pillows
- No throwing pillows at lamps
- No throwing pillows at glass mostly water glasses
- No hitting your friends or sisters with hockey sticks, bats, dowels, kitchen things (utensils) or pillows
- You must keep your clothes on at all times unless you are in the shower because no one wants to see your underware - that would be way barassing (embarassing)
- Do not pour Tang in the refrigerator
- Frush (flush) the toy-it (toliet)
- No frushing toys or toothbrushes in the toy-it
- Tell mommy when I go outside in front, but I not go when mommy is in the shower cause she gets mad and she is wet
- Do not give the dog a bath with the hose and hand soap
- No drinking beard (beer) cause you can get sick
I honestly do not know where Rule #11 came from. I asked JG who told him that and he said he just found it out in his head. Let's hope that little voice in his head speaks to little man REALLY, REALLY loud when he is in college.
And as far as college goes: no comment. :-)