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Oh how I miss our little chats

My grandmother is going to be 94 next month. She is one of the most amazing people I have ever met. She grew up during the Great Depression in a small town in southern Minnesota where her father published the local newspaper. She then graduated from the U with a journalism degree and moved to little Aitkin, MN where she met my grandfather, the county attorney - later judge - and fourteen years her senior. They married, had four boys in five years and she settled into a life of being a mother and volunteer.

Every summer starting about the time I was 14, I would spend time with her. I hung out with Esther, Elsie, Naida and Eva going to bridge and coffee. Even in college when my friends were planning getaways I got in my car and drove to be with her on the weekends. We always had the most amazing time, doing nothing really. Maybe we would play Scrabble or do the crossword. She even taught me how to drive in her 1964 Buick Skylark at the deserted fairgrounds with the Virgin Mary on the steering wheel as our co-pilot. Most of all we laughed - a lot. She has the quickest wit and amazing sense of humor. I remember when Hallmark first came out with Shoebox cards we stood for the longest time at Holder Drug just laughing until we cried.

Well, I am crying right now because I just found a letter my grandma wrote to me while I was in Japan in 1987. It has brought back so many memories of how things used to be, before she started to slip and not remember things too well. She always remembers me and that we spent time together, mostly she remembers little man. She loves him so because I thinks he reminds her so much of her sons. So here is that letter grandma wrote and it feels like one of our long ago conversations about the most mundane things, on a most ordinary day - twenty years ago.

My Dear Susan,

Your Mom called yesterday afternoon and gave me your address so I thought I'd surprise you before hearing from you. Scrounged around in my desk and came up with this "skinny" paper. Thought I had some other light weight paper sheets but this will serve the purpose.

Elsie and I went to a 45th wedding anniversary open house Sunday afternoon and the Bromans were there. Mr. Broman inquired about you and I told him you were in Japan so you wouldn't be visiting me this summer. A week ago I saw the Small sisters who had just come from Arizona to spend the summer at the lake and they asked about you. So you see people are interested in what you are doing.

I spent a quiet 4th... shampooed my hair in the morning, dusted the furniture, picked up branches and twigs around the yard, shopped at the Red Owl, baked a couple of rhubarb breads, had my dinner and then watched the 1st of four Saturday night movies of Michener's SPACE. Re-runs I guess.

Just had interruption. John Solien came up to take a picture of my car for insurance purposes. Had to change companies since Security Bank is no longer representing the St. Paul Companies. He thought it best to show the condition of my Skylark as the company might think I had a 20 year old junker.

Now it is time for lunch so I'll take another time out. Mission accomplished. Just called Elsie, curious to know how she got the coffee out of her dress. A woman sitting next to Elsie yesterday afternoon spilled her coffee on Elsie and fortunately a soaking in cold water and washing in Woolite saved the day. I told Elsie I was writing you and she said to tell you are thought of often...mentioned specially at the Hail Marys at bridge club. Do you remember Doris Dakins, another bridger? She suffered a stroke a couple of weeks ago and is in the nursing home.

Our Tuesday bridge club is meeting tomorrow. I've missed the last two sessions so it will be six weeks since I've played.

When I walked past MacDonald-Wold on my way to noon mass last Friday - Georgiana came out and asked me if I would crown the senior queen this year. Told her I didn't have a formal and she said no one else would be wearing one. Think she said the pageant would be in the evening and that I would be a guest at the dinner beforehand. I thinking I am getting to be more of an introvert all the while as I dislike parading before the public. Have visions of me tripping across the stage and placing the crown on the wrong candidate. The big event is set for July 22... a Hail Mary from Tokyo would be appreciated!

Am expecting John and Margarita this weekend for John's 30th class reunion. Don't know if Karen and Kim are coming... depends on whether or not they make the playoffs in their softball leagues.

Have a busy schedule this week... errands this afternoon, bridge club tomorrow, congregate Housing board Wednesday noon, Aging Committee meeting to revise the by-laws Thursday morning, Mass at Alcota in the afternoon, PHP Insurance meeting Friday, afternoon at Maryhill and John's here on Saturday.

I hope you are enjoying your experience.

Lots of love,
Grandma G.


bobbione8y said…
you know,

that letter makes ME cry.

isn't it amazing how fast 20 years goes by?

and how much we don't realize how we are shaped by our "growing up" until we're, well, grown up?

your grandma sounds amazingly cool.

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