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Resolutions '09

1. Blog more. Need to document the Schmidt happenings, I feel like I forget so many of the little things the kids say/do. Plus my mom really, really likes to read what we are doing because she can never get us on the phone.

2. Start book? Just need to figure out what to write about...perhaps crazy family? Who wants to proofread?

3. Stop procrastinating. Don't know if there is any hope on this one, but thought I would give it another go before I turn 40. After then, not gonna try to teach an old dog new tricks. I will forever be on Galarneault/Schmidt time and up until 4:30 a.m. Christmas Eve.

4. Purge. Just when I have done it, there is always another round. I feel like I am suffocating with the amount of "stuff" we have in this house. Do I really need 17 empty bins/containers/holdy things??? If there isn't anything in them maybe they should leave the house. Does anyone need any holdy things?

5. Do not buy anymore books from book store. I have at least two bookcases full of "would really love to read, but never seem to get to them books, because I think I have ADD." Oh, can get them from the library too. Love the library, haven't mentioned that in '09. LOVE THE LIBRARY. Will save $ from cost of books and no purchase of Barnes and Noble membership ($25) right there.

6. Learn how to cook some new dishes. We seriously eat the same 7 things over and over and over. The kids don't seem to mind, but I am starting to tire of spaghetti and tacos every week. Also now with age am having to take Alka Seltzer every night after tacos and spaghetti.

7. Be a better mom, wife, daughter, sister, auntie, friend. Life gets crazy and I tend to cocoon when it gets nuts. I need to spend more time living and not working.

8. Be thankful. When the world is so messed up like it is right now and everything you hear, read, and see is so bleak I would like our little corner of the world to tune it out and be thankful for what we have. This too shall pass.

9. Be healthy. Even though this work thing has really put the damper on the tennis game, there is other stuff I can do: e.g. take Mia for a walk, use the elliptical in the basement - yes we have a club certified elliptical in the basement collecting dust, drink water - versus Diet Coke, eat something other than bacon grilled cheese, chips, and krispy treat from the cafeteria EVERY DAY at work, oh and get some sleep - I do not need to be up until 1:30 a.m. every night putzing or doing work emails.

10. Stick to resolutions... so that next year there will be something else to improve on...

Candidates for 2010:
  • Insist mom and dad finally join the 21st century and get a debit card!
  • Learn to knit - maybe.
  • Pick up dry cleaning before they call and say they are going to give it to homeless people.
  • Return items left at our home, right now they go into return to owner bin and do not see the light of day until someone inquires - which I am finding isn't very often. Maybe they figure if they left it at the Schmidt House it is lost forever. Wait, maybe need to add this to this year since most items in bin will no longer fit children (owners) in 2010.
  • Proactively put salt in the water softener versus waiting until the white dust gets all over the plates and makes me really, really crabby.
  • Make children pay for items they do not put away, e.g. clothes, games, school books. Might be able to get their attention that way.


Chris said…
You crack me up! Good luck on all your resolutions, you are going to need it! I love your new blog background, by the way! I tried using the site you used, but I am having lots of trouble, can't seem to get it to stick. Any insight?
Susan said…
If I am online w/facebook why don't we chat and see what isn't working. OK?
Chris said…
carey said…
so i'm reading along, giggling at you when the dry cleaning line hits me right in the gut. i forgot to pick up jamie's ONLY suit after taking it to the dry cleaners in november. i hope they still have it...

thanks for the laughs.
Anonymous said…
um...HELLO?!? Who will proofread your book?! Do you even have to ask? (I thought you knew that "Proofreader" was my middle name after all the documents I read at CMG).

And...I love bins! I'll trade you back your cookie plate for a bin. :-)

Karen said…
Oh, dear Lord. I say screw it all, except the blogging. :-)

Bacon grilled cheese sounds heavenly.

Crap. Favorite sweater at dry cleaners for three months.

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