The softball, t-ball, and old guy softball leagues are coming to an end. We have spent quite a bit of time at the ' ol ballgames this past week and I can say I am looking forward to not sitting on bleachers any time soon. We even involved the whole famn damily in the outings, the Schmidts , Galarneaults, and Grand-Auntie Shirley came along. AE's team the Blue Starz went 0-15 (might have been more - lost count). They were the youngest team in the league, all going into 5 th grade, with a couple 6 th graders who have never played. I am looking forward to seeing how this team will do in a few years. The girls really didn't seem to notice that they didn't win a game, they had a great time and AE met many of the girls that she will go to school with next year. Little man took his t-ball very seriously. He would trash talk 5 year old girls, wear eye-black and run amok. He is really ready for the next level, the question is: are they ready for him? Lastly, Dan wi...
There is no normal.