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Showing posts from February, 2024

Should I begin again???

Over the holidays I bought a new computer so I could start working on collections team while volunteering at the Aitkin County Historical Society - start of the next phase of my life in the place where I always wanted to be. It is home.  With this new purchase I now have my very own, not family shared computer, for the first time since 2009 I think and it is set up with all of my own accounts. While I was exploring today, I found our old family blog and it brought back so many memories of how therapeutic blogging is.  So maybe I will start to do this again. I will probably share more of what I am working on with the family tree work I am doing and items that intrest me that I am finding at the historical society. Don't really care if anyone reads it, but it is to keep my record of things that I find because I am really starting to have a very hard time remembering things, pretty sure my brain is full.