About a month ago, my family (without me - can't remember why I wasn't there) went to the Original Pancake House in Eden Prairie for breakfast. While there, Adrian Peterson came in with his family. My sister, never being one to just sit by and watch life go by walked up to the table and asked one of the people at the table a question. "Is that Adrian Peterson?" "Might be," responded the man. "Oh, are you a Viking too?" she asked. The man turned to her with a smile on his face and said, "No maam, I'm his daddy! You know what I like you. Adrian, get over here and take a picture with this lady, I like her." I guess JG walked up to him and said, "I have you on my wall!" (He has a Fathead of him in his room). Adrian was very humble and was so kind especially to stand and take photos with these crazies.
There is no normal.