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Showing posts from September, 2009


My favorite place in the whole world for a very long time was my grandma's house in Aitkin. It to me was a sanctuary from everything going on in the crazy, crazy world especially after we moved back to Minnesota. I could go to her house and everything seemed right with the world and I was in a 14 year old cocoon reading John Irving under the trees while grandma sat in her chair in the lawn drying her hair on a Saturday afternoon. Since grandma left us almost a year ago I have waited for the day to come when her house would be ready to be sold to another family where little girls would hide in the storeroom and sit under the maple trees. Last weekend I searched as I do every week for her house and this week I found it there. I was taken aback at first almost scared to click on the button that would unveil my sanctuary for the world to see. When I finally did, I found only a house, with bare floors and strange colors. There were things so familiar and some in front of me for the fi...

Summer is over...

How did that happen? This has been one of the fastest summers that I can remember it flew by. However can't say that I am disappointed that school is starting on Tuesday. We are ready for a routine. I worked from home today and had most of the day planned out for the kids, however the plans went a little awry when little man was in a "mood". I did a SOS call for our neighbor NR to watch JG when I just couldn't take it. At one point I thought about just leaving and going to the library for some quiet, peace, and wireless. Devil may care what happened to the house. We made it through and I am ready for the weekend, so am watching a little tennis, having a little wine, and enjoying the quiet and peace...