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Blogging is supposed to be cathartic, right?

Well here it goes.

I have wanted to do this blogging thing for quite some time now. Some of my good friends started blogs recently and it looks like big fun. Plus it is a great way to document the day to day goings on at the Schmidt's house, because I really cannot remember what happened the day before. This way I can prove that my kids were young once and yes, the home office did seriously do that.

I went out to dinner with my friends tonight and had a great time. I was late (as usual), due to the last minute changes with the home office...this one tops them all.

I thought that I was fairly organized, however was proven wrong. I planned on having my beloved (DLS) and the kids (AE & JG) fix dinner together. They were going to make pigs-in-the-blankets (JG's choice), however as I was walking out the door I was informed that my husband would not be able to make dinner because he "could not stand that long" to make pigs-in-the-blanket, due to a weekend softball injury. I knew that the kids would not be able to make dinner because AE & JG cannot do a project together without either of them, the dog or the carpet being injured.

So, I made dinner while DLS watched Sports Center and read the paper. I feel bad that my kids had to eat some shoddy made pigs-in-the-blankets, while I had a great dinner. However, if there is ever a contest for how many pigs can be blanketed in Pillsbury crescent rolls in 60 seconds or less, I've got it made. I would make the kids proud. Any hey, maybe DLS might be able to stand long enough to applaud while I get my award...


carey said…
Hello Susie Q! Welcome to blog land. Sounds like life in your household is as entertaining as usual. I love this way of us keeping in touch, it makes me miss everyone, though. Can't wait to read more stories from the Schmidt's...the good, the bad and the crazy.
Anonymous said…
I am hurt and crushed that you called them "pigs in a blanket" when we all know they are weiner toasties. The shame. (snicker)

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