I heard back last night from Cargill , I start back into the world of the gainfully employed as an independent contractor on October 8 th . My old client, who will now be my new client, Jeff wrote: I'm thrilled we get to work together again. This is the most important project our business unit has taken on in a lot of years so I feel a lot better knowing you're going to be part of it. OK now I'm nervous. Eeek - the most important project? Whoa, better bring the A game, but you know I am excited - scared - but am ready to go. I have so much to do before the 8 th , gotta get the list together to make the most of my kid free week (now that litte man is at daycare in the a.m.). Let's see: 1) Paint basement. 2) Purge house of clutter - how can we accumulate this much crap? 3) Goodwill and library drop off - Maple Grove Library is taking donations until Oct. 6 th !!! 4) Get the yard ready for winter - should I plant more bulbs? 5) Put basement back together - IKEA run ma...
There is no normal.
i wish i could see violence or scary, but alas, i cannot. otherwise i would go see "i am legend" and "no country."
as it is, i want to see Juno. and atonement seems kind of interesting. are either of those boy movies?
Guys would especially like No Country, so maybe Phil should go with a buddy.
I still want to see Atonement, Shelly saw it and loved it.
Hope both of you get in a show and some popcorn (of course) let me know how you like them.