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one last letter - 7/3/87

Mom, Dad, Amy, Sam, and Hailee,

How are you? I'm fine, but a little tired today. It is raining again today, it sees like all it does is rain here. How is the weather at home?

Sorry again about calling at 1:00 a.m. in the morning. Yuki and I went shopping yesterday and I bought this paper at the bottom is Mt. Fuji.

I am kinda excited at school. I am sad they are done with their tennis and basketball unit. Now we are starting swimming - yea!

Last night at dinner we had a salad with cucumbers and tomatoes. Well, I was pushing the alfalfa to the side and I found this purple thing - it was raw octopus. It had the suction cups and everything - I about died. It tried it - didn't taste like anything. So I guess it wasn't that bad.

All I do since Yuki is gone today is try to find my way around the neighborhood and watch TV. I think I've seen "An American in Paris" three times. I write a lot too.

Tomorrow I am going to a flower arranging class somewhere. Next week I am taking a trip to a Buddist temple with a YFU group. I took some pictures of the neighborhood and they're getting developed today so I'll send some in this letter if I can find the place where they develop pictures.

Well, suppose I should get going, but there is not much to do today. You would not believe how popular Baskin Robbins ice cream is here. So is Kentucky Fried Chicken and McDonalds. I tried a hamburger and it was gross.

You wouldn't believe how much walking I have done this past week, I had a bike but it was too small for me. It had this bell and everything, funny. I haven't been eating very much lately . I am just not hungry. The other night mom fixed this egg pudding stuff I about gagged. And the other thing I don't like so much is seaweed.

The weather is humid, the air just stands still.

Well going to go - you better write.


P.S. Don't suppose you could send some chocolate chip cookies air mail? Could you? Please.


carey said…
you forgot to write "my cobra hangs are not doing well over here in japan...please send aqua net in the gallon bottle."

Susan said…
Actually I didn't have cobra bangs at that time - oh those were to come. I remember I cut my already short hair. Pretty much shaved the back just like "Japanese baseball player" that is what every kept saying to me. Oh, then I bleached the bangs blond. Teen angst - all because my mom didn't send me chocolate chip cookies.
Karen said…
I remember that you mentioned the flower arranging class in your journal, right?

Um, you know we feel exactly the same way about your cookies, right?? I'm getting the razor out

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