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Showing posts from October, 2009

Did someone step on a cat?

We are entering uncharted territory here at the Schmidt House since AE decided that she wanted to join the band because choir is "painful" and the clarinet is way cooler. About two weeks ago we went to the district sponsored "pick your instrument" night where my former instrument of choice (clarinet) was chosen by our pre-teen. After the meeting I immediately called my dad to see if he would be able to locate said clarinet for his granddaughter to try out. He called last week informing me that it was nowhere to be found and I would need to go rent one for the time being until the woodwind was located. This week has been crazier than usual and I completely forgot everything about the clarinet until... Tonight at 7:08pm AE mentioned, "You know I have band tomorrow." Oh crap. So began the calling to music stores that I could remember from the parent's night and by 7:25pm a clarinet had been located. So we got in the car and headed to A to G Music. We wait...

Wish it was meditation versus mediation

Today in one word:  draining We have been working through our "stucco" issue for two years, yes I said two years. And today it ended, from a legal perspective.  So very happy to move on with out lives and not wake up in the middle of the night panicking that the front is going to fall off and we are going to have to figure out what to do about it.