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So ready for a few days off, is anyone else?

This December has been especially crazy and I am looking forward to a few days off to relax with the kids. I have a few items on the to-do list:

1) See "The Blind Side"
2) Start scanning photos with new printer we bought back in September. Finally got it hooked up (already checked that off the list)
3) Read at least three books - entire library book bin is full
4) Clean out the DVR - think it is full - don't want to look actually
5) Finally hang the pictures back up after Dan painted the basement this summer
6) Goodwill run - or maybe pull stuff together for garage sale in May for Nationals fund raiser :)
7) See friends that I am sure wonder if I am still kicking
8) oh yeah...what was the other thing???



carey said…
i am SO THERE with you susan. wish we didn't have to MOVE during my scheduled time of relaxation ;)

go go go see the blind side. i will pay you $100 if you don't cry.

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