AE and I went with our good friends and neighbors, the Roses, to the last Harry Potter book release hurrah. We had a great time, the kids got their faces painted, ran around answering trivia, learned how to make potions and all other kinds of fun things.We were #546 in line for a book and managed to get out of there in less than an hour after the official release at midnight.
Our friends the Roses, all decked out in Hogwarts attire, sorting hat and Mad Eye Moody garb.
AE learning how to make bat's breath potion, gotta remember those safety goggles.
AE and NR round about 11:48 p.m. this standing in line thing is old already...
Still can't believe they managed to line up 800+ people in an orderly fashion throughout all of the books at Barnes & Noble. Our "line leader" honest to Pete could do voice overs for Julia Child if that talent is ever needed, we couldn't help but giggle every time she walked by barking orders.
FINALLY, book in hand at 12:55 a.m....