Sleep in, yell it's morning time!, wake up family, put on swimsuit, take off swimsuit, remove underware, put swimsuit back on, try to leave room without unlocking door, pitch fit, go outside, run amok, chalk a bit, chase sister, have some breakfast, run some more, go play tennis, run, run, run, go to park, climb, climb, climb, fall down, play more tennis, swim, do a little hot tubbing, sauna, hit others with a noodle, get yelled at for hitting others with a noodle, swim some more, beg for a Sprite at 10:00 a.m., swim, sauna, swim, run back to room screaming at top of lungs, complain about lunch selections, eat some ravioli, watch some Sponge Bob, go to beach, put on life jacket - begrudgingly, head out into freezing water, complain about freezing water, obtain water bug, sit on water bug waiting for someone to drag me out to the trampoline, con someone into dragging me to the trampoline, complain about slow ride on water bug, reach trampoline, bounce but a few times, fall in, have meltdown, climb back on water bug, ask for ride to shore, disgusted, scream for ride to shore, make it to shore, search for sheshells (sea shells), find many shells, covet others' shells, take others' shells when they leave, gloat about seashell motherlode, mom steps on shells, motherlode no more, berate mom for motherlode implosion, decide to build sand castle, find a bucket, dump water, splash others on beach with mud from water dumping, move to remote location for sand castle construction, build mound that sister knocks down, another meltdown, go for ice cream with mom, must have 1/2 scoop of two kinds, bat long eyelashes, cute blonde concedes and scoops 1/2 of two kinds, inform mom you have a way lot of sand in swimsuit, go to bathroom and proceed to dump out suit in sink, mom cleans sink, go back to beach, go solo on water bug, amaze beach goers with water bug acrobatics, water bug drifts outside of safe swim zone, yell to mom to come save, mom enters freezing water and drags water bug back to shore, decide not to go tubing, instead decide to go kayaking, locate adult to accompany on kayaking adventure, while waiting for kayak drop life jacket in water off dock, begin yelling, sister retrieves jacket, berated for not thanking sister for going into oozy water for jacket, kayak, play shuffleboard, go swimming, do a little hot tubbing, take a shower, get ready for dinner, have yet another meltdown followed by timeout for hitting sister, begin complete putz routine for 90 minutes, decide to not participate in family relays, finally decide to play, do a little limbo, eliminated from limbo from ducking under limbo noodle, inform limbo judge it "NOT FAIR", still eliminated, try wheelbarrow race with mom pushing, decide to drop arms and plant face into hill, pick grass out of teeth and cry a little, refuse to eat dinner because salad is touching lasagna, decide it's not a big deal so eat 7 pieces of garlic toast and Italian Ice, run around, around, around, inform mom tummy hurts, sit down for 4 minutes, begin running around again, decide to join game playing, refuse to be a member of Schmidt family team, want to become a Wisnewski family member, pitch last fit of the evening, go home, begin meltdown because Webkinz are missing, locate Kirby and Cocoa, all is better, put on PJs, hit sister, yet another timeout, crying, crying stops, fall asleep face down during timeout, silence...
I heard back last night from Cargill , I start back into the world of the gainfully employed as an independent contractor on October 8 th . My old client, who will now be my new client, Jeff wrote: I'm thrilled we get to work together again. This is the most important project our business unit has taken on in a lot of years so I feel a lot better knowing you're going to be part of it. OK now I'm nervous. Eeek - the most important project? Whoa, better bring the A game, but you know I am excited - scared - but am ready to go. I have so much to do before the 8 th , gotta get the list together to make the most of my kid free week (now that litte man is at daycare in the a.m.). Let's see: 1) Paint basement. 2) Purge house of clutter - how can we accumulate this much crap? 3) Goodwill and library drop off - Maple Grove Library is taking donations until Oct. 6 th !!! 4) Get the yard ready for winter - should I plant more bulbs? 5) Put basement back together - IKEA run ma...