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Cell phone cautionary tale

I had a really good laugh last night at the hockey game, a friend told me about this little move she did. It is totally something that I might do, so it was good to hear it could happen to someone else.

She was at a hockey tournament yesterday when her cell phone rang. She answered it and couldn't hear because of the game, so she went up to the lobby area.

Well, the lobby wasn't much better, so she decided to go into the bathroom where it would be quieter. She was really into the conversation and paced around the bathroom talking to her friend when she was interrupted.

A guy stopped and said, "Lady, you're in the wrong bathroom."



Chris said…
Ha! That is awesome! I bet her face was several shades of red.
Karen said…
I love it! Flying out of RC on the 15th of last month, I did a twist on that move. I raced into a stall, fairly desperate to go and noticed that the feet in the adjacent stall were really big. Then I heard a newspaper rattle. Then I noticed urinals on my way out. Then I smiled sheepishly at the dude staring at me in the mirror as he washed his hands. Then he sat in front of me on the flight to Denver. Then he sat across the aisle on the flight to Birmingham...
Karen said…
Hey--been thinking of you a lot. I rented the first disk of The Office season three...make my dad watch it with me last night. He was even less impressed than the hubby, but that did not stop me from laughing my butt off!
Chris said…
Oh Karen...;) About the Office now, you would think that guys would love that show. What's wrong with them?
carey said…
same reaction i got from my mom with Scrubs, a show jamie and i both love.
perhaps they were not raised using sarcasm as a main form of communication??
Anonymous said…
That's like the time my kids raced ahead of me and got into our van at Home Depot. It wasn't until after I actually put three paint cans in the back hatch that I realized that the owner of the van (exact model - but obviously now ours) was in the front seat on her cell phone!! ... I still crack up thinking about that one.

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