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So today was one of those days when I was waiting for Dwight Schrute to walk in at any time and make popcorn

Yesterday was pretty blah at work considering everyone just got back from the holiday, there were the usual conversations, "So how was your Christmas?" blah, blah, blah.

If yesterday was blah, then today was just odd.

At one point I felt that I had entered an alternate universe and we had become Dunder Mifflin.

You see, Thursday is popcorn day on the Garden Level. I guess the popcorn is there to help boost morale and raise a little ching for various charities.

However, since today really felt like Tuesday, not Thursday, people just weren't in the mood for popcorn and the world went a little askew.

It all started when someone complained that the popcorn smell was bothering them. I don't know why this day was different than any other Thursday, but today it bothered them. Maybe they were on the holiday hangover edge and it just tipped.

So management was on the prowl for a new home for the popcorn machine.

That is when I was approached and asked if it would be ok if the popcorn machine took up residence next to my new home. My nice quiet, industrious home.

Well, for once in my life I said, "No, I would rather not have the popcorn next door." My reasoning was based upon the assumption that the popcorn making duties would fall on my shoulders since I was closest.

Plus I know me and I would want to make sure that it was running smoothly and would not want the popcorn to burn and really stink up the place. Also I didn't really think it would be a good spend of the company's $ to have a contractor making popcorn when I have a imminent deadline.

Well, I guess that is when the prairie dog town activity began. I mentioned my conversation and all hell broke loose. You see, I sit next to this team that takes system support calls all day and they pretty much are task on, except when it comes to a popcorn machine invasion.

They were a flutter and I have never seen so much activity and chatter all because of popcorn. In fact in two months I hadn't even heard one of them speak, until today. Cluck, cluck, cluck. I sat back down in my chair, feeling kind of bad about what I started and watched the Dunder Mifflin show.

The popcorn machine found a home in an empty "management leadership" office where from the smell of it someone forgot about the popping process and we sat in burned popcorn stench which made me feel like I was back in college and yet another drunk fell asleep in the lounge with the 2 minute popcorn incinerating in the microwave for 20 minutes.

I am interested to see where the popcorn machine will call home next Thursday...


carey said…
write the book, susan. write the book.
bobbione8y said…
yum though, it would suck not to have popcorn at all.

Susan said…
yes you are right about the popcorn I love it

In fact I think I am one of the few who actually likes popcorn Thursday
Karen said…
I'm cheering for you! I so would not be able to say no, even though I wanted more than anything NOT to have the popcorn and all its duties next to me. Way to go. Also--even thinking of burnt popcorn makes me feel like I have a hangover--great description of the college memory.
Anonymous said…
I giggled today at your office episode. I feel the same way about leaving a papa murphy's pizza with a babysitter... it is good intentions that NEVER ends well..

Sorry, I've been technologically challenged for awhile but since I have been upgraded.. I'm looking forward to checking out your blog more.. Have a great day!

Jill C.

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