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July 14, 1986 - Mom to Susan (in Aitkin)

Dear Susan,

It is unbelievable how quiet & lonely the house is without you and Amy. The dogs keep watching the doors waiting for someone to come home. They practically attacked Grandma when she arrived yesterday.

The Evanses decided to leave a day earlier than planned, so Amy left on her trip yesterday (Sunday) at 7:00 a.m. She & I had to really scramble to get all her clothes and supplies ready, plus we had to get the donut down from the garage & ready to go. She called us from Salt Lake City last night and said all was going well, with the exception of Donny's driving. I am trying to not worry too much, however, for me that isn't an easy job.

I understand Dad called you the other morning to make sure you got a conversation with him. I know he misses you both a lot, but of course he doesn't say much.

Friday night around 7:00 p.m. the doorbell rand there was Erin Lefdahl. She was driving a large station wagon and wanted to know if you wanted to go "cruising" for awhile. She said that had a fantastic time on the band trip and managed to attend the trail end of the volleyball camp. I told her you would call her when you got back.

***I would like to dedicate this portion of my letter to Grandma***
Dorothy - Thank you once again for the $20 you gave me when you left. I certainly used it for a needed curl.

I also want to thank you for having Susan with you again. She so enjoys being with you and learns so much from your knowledge & example. There are times when Susan needs to get a break from her life here and you and Aitkin are her haven.

Thank you again. I love you. Sharon
Well Susan, I'm sure you would love to be home when I tell you my plans for this week - the garage and basement. Yes, I can just see your disappointment! I knew you would be happy to see those big projects done.

I saw Jeani drive by with her family yesterday, saw Jerry's car in the driveway over the week-end, so they haven't left yet. Not much else to report.

I'll write again soon - give Grandma & yourself a big hug & kiss from me. I miss & love you very much. Have a wonderful time honey.



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