This is going to be one of those "purging" posts - getting it all out on the table. The Schmidts went to Rochester this weekend for a tournament, here it goes in plusses (+) and minuses (-) in chronological order...
+ we were going to Rochester
+ we had a hotel
- with one king bed for 4 people
+ the Newskis had inflatable mattresses
+ we got on the road
- traffic stunk (thanks to SNOW, when will it end????)
+ we made it to Rochester
- in 3.5 hours (normally takes us 2)
+ everyone was having fun at the pool, saw Amy, Brad, and kids
- time for bed
+ kids went to sleep
- Dan went to bar
- Susan woke up @ 2:45 a.m. NO DAN
+ Susan found Dan
- - Dan had partaken in a bit too much fun
+ Dan found the room
- Dan only got 2.5 hours sleep
+ Dan made it to car for 8:00 a.m. game
+ MG5A won (barely)
+ Dan and Joe went to let Justin (my sister's dog out)
- Justin ran away
+ Justin came back
+ MG5A won 2nd game (barely)
- Dan thought he had the flu (self-inflicted kind)
+ went to mall for lunch
- Newskis called, Mia (our dog) got locked in the house, they can't get in to let her out
+ remembered we had spare key in garage
++ Newskis found the key, Mia is safe!!!
+ AE finds super cute shirt at mall
+ Susan finds Dan's friends at the mall, meets new friends
+ AE and JH given independance to hang out at Apache Mall
- AE and JH do not come back
-- Susan calls Dan to tell him, have lost AE at mall
- 3rd game in 25 minutes
+ AE and JH JCPenney (the last store I would ever think to find my daughter)
+ Made it to game in Sean's clown car (seriously 9 of us in Impala)
- had to listen to Sean's music (think redneck Johnny Cash)
--- MG5A lost
+ time for the pool
- time for bed
-- Susan turned up heat WAAAAY too high
- woke up at 5:30 a.m.
---room temp 86 degrees
+ time to check out
+ leave hotel for game
- return to hotel, forgot favorite pillow
+ MG5A takes 3rd place!!!!
+ lunch w/friends
+++ ALL of Applebee's sing AE birthday wishes (not until Tuesday)
+ got on the road home
+ made it home, sweet, home
---think Mia (our dog) has gone psycho, she went for teeth cleaning last Thurs and hasn't been the same dog since...hmmm
- make mental note to call vet in a.m.
+ start laundry
------ JG throws up all over newly cleaned carpet
--- clean up carpet
------------- decide to vacuum after what was thought to be "dry" carpet after cleaning
+ Dyson works wonders
----------------- sucks up puke and it is all over precious vacuum
--------------------- clean puke out of Dyson
+++ Dyson still works, yahoo!!!
+/- go to airport
+++ mom is home
+ Oscars, liked it this year
+ everyone is in bed
+++ get to blog about complete crap weekend
-------realized laundry room smells like puke
+ went to bed
++ blogging
+++ turing out light after checking out the morning...
- crap have 8:00 a.m. meeting...
---- am I getting sick?
+ we were going to Rochester
+ we had a hotel
- with one king bed for 4 people
+ the Newskis had inflatable mattresses
+ we got on the road
- traffic stunk (thanks to SNOW, when will it end????)
+ we made it to Rochester
- in 3.5 hours (normally takes us 2)
+ everyone was having fun at the pool, saw Amy, Brad, and kids
- time for bed
+ kids went to sleep
- Dan went to bar
- Susan woke up @ 2:45 a.m. NO DAN
+ Susan found Dan
- - Dan had partaken in a bit too much fun
+ Dan found the room
- Dan only got 2.5 hours sleep
+ Dan made it to car for 8:00 a.m. game
+ MG5A won (barely)
+ Dan and Joe went to let Justin (my sister's dog out)
- Justin ran away
+ Justin came back
+ MG5A won 2nd game (barely)
- Dan thought he had the flu (self-inflicted kind)
+ went to mall for lunch
- Newskis called, Mia (our dog) got locked in the house, they can't get in to let her out
+ remembered we had spare key in garage
++ Newskis found the key, Mia is safe!!!
+ AE finds super cute shirt at mall
+ Susan finds Dan's friends at the mall, meets new friends
+ AE and JH given independance to hang out at Apache Mall
- AE and JH do not come back
-- Susan calls Dan to tell him, have lost AE at mall
- 3rd game in 25 minutes
+ AE and JH JCPenney (the last store I would ever think to find my daughter)
+ Made it to game in Sean's clown car (seriously 9 of us in Impala)
- had to listen to Sean's music (think redneck Johnny Cash)
--- MG5A lost
+ time for the pool
- time for bed
-- Susan turned up heat WAAAAY too high
- woke up at 5:30 a.m.
---room temp 86 degrees
+ time to check out
+ leave hotel for game
- return to hotel, forgot favorite pillow
+ MG5A takes 3rd place!!!!
+ lunch w/friends
+++ ALL of Applebee's sing AE birthday wishes (not until Tuesday)
+ got on the road home
+ made it home, sweet, home
---think Mia (our dog) has gone psycho, she went for teeth cleaning last Thurs and hasn't been the same dog since...hmmm
- make mental note to call vet in a.m.
+ start laundry
------ JG throws up all over newly cleaned carpet
--- clean up carpet
------------- decide to vacuum after what was thought to be "dry" carpet after cleaning
+ Dyson works wonders
----------------- sucks up puke and it is all over precious vacuum
--------------------- clean puke out of Dyson
+++ Dyson still works, yahoo!!!
+/- go to airport
+++ mom is home
+ Oscars, liked it this year
+ everyone is in bed
+++ get to blog about complete crap weekend
-------realized laundry room smells like puke
+ went to bed
++ blogging
+++ turing out light after checking out the morning...
- crap have 8:00 a.m. meeting...
---- am I getting sick?
yes. a puke-filled dyson tops my list of things not to want to deal with. oooofff.