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I am usually an open book...

however have made the decision to have The Schmidt House be invite only, you are the ones that I want to share our lives with - if there is someone that I have omitted by mistake, please let me know. Think that there are some family members that I do not have email addresses for, so will need to track those down.

I have found that I have been a little blog "stuck" for the last few months knowing that there were a lot of people who read my site and I became a little self conscious about what I was writing as to not offend anyone - not like I go out of my way to offend, but after awhile you realize that there are some pretty sensitive folks out there. I know it takes all kinds for the world to go around, however I don't want to have to worry about it when I am here.

So now I feel a little more free to speak my mind which you all know has never been a problem, but now I feel I am among friends.

Thanks for sharing this little adventure with the Schmidts...


Karen said…
I just sighed a great big sigh for you. I hope this is once again an outlet for you. I do think I would be insane without my bloggirls.
bobbione8y said…
i love that you blog, Susan. i love that you invite me to read.

i don't really love flaming squirrel stories, however, i almost ALMOST chuckled :)

happy new year!
Susan said…
Thanks guys for the encouragement - I truly did breathe a big sigh yesterday when I was done posting. Funny what a little security does for the soul.

Bobbi - will try to not have anymore blazing rodent stories, at least not for this year :)
carey said…
it took me this long to go through the "process" of being certified as a reader and i had to giggle when it consisted of me hitting the "accept" button. i am a knucklehead.

i too find myself editing my content based on not offending...especially after bobbi found my blog linked to a crazy guy who writes for the newspaper. privacy is indeed a good thing.

i loved the squirrel story. i'm sure he was fine, and his wife probably chastised HIM for setting up home in a chimney "i told you this would happen, but Nooooo, you were too lazy to go find a good tree..."
DeAnn said…
thanks for inviting me...i don't know what i would do without your squirrel stories...hehe! Happy New year right back at ya, friend!

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