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So many books, so little time

I like to read, a lot. I think that on average I go through at least a book if not two or three a week when I am really in the zone.

I have always loved reading, in fact my dream as a child was to be locked in the Rapid City Public Library overnight. They used to have this really cool Alice in Wonderland theme and I was always in awe. How sick is that?

AE has recently embraced reading, which I could not be happier about. She has had a book in her hand every spare minute the past month.

Last night we were reading her latest book, "The Secret Order of the Gumm Street Girls" by Elsie Primavera. It is really cute, a little Lemony Snicket, a little Frank L. Baum. Imagine that the Gumm is from Francis Gumm (aka Judy Garland).

While we took a little break I told AE how happy I was that she loved to read.

"I don't like reading. At all," she said.

I was surprised, "What? Why have you had your nose in a book every day?"

"I only like it because dad is paying me if I finish seven books this month."

I should have known. Our daughter is shrewd. I know she likes to strike a deal before she willingly does anything. She is going to be quite the force to be reckoned with. I feel bad for corporate America (if that is the path she chooses) and her future husband.

Her true nature came to light this summer at my sister's house. My sister wanted to borrow AE's favorite CD, which she wasn't too happy about.

"You can borrow it if you pay me $10." AE said.

"What?" my sister replied. "I am not going to pay you $10 to borrow a CD."

"Fine." AE countered. "$12 then."

My sister borrowed the CD free of charge and AE learned that you cannot dicker with family when it comes to music purchased by your parents.

Gotta go, I have a tennis match in the a.m. and need to get some sleep. Plus, I want to get started on my new book, "Vince and Joy" by Lisa Jewell.

On a side note, the Schmidts did very well at the Poker tourney the other night. The home office finished third and I took ninth. We had some good laughs and saw quite a few of our friends.

The worst part was we didn't get home until 3:00 a.m. We are getting too old for that more than once a year. Thank goodness my mom and aunt were kind enough to have a sleepover at my aunt's with the kids and dog so we were able to recover. Thanks guys!


Chris said…
I love it, your daughter is a smart cookie!
carey said…
From one bookwork to another, I can totally relate. Books are almost dangerous in my world because they sidetrack me from the things I should be doing. I have put new restrictions in order: I have to earn my book time with exercise. How's that for motivation?
Anonymous said…
Hey, Susan! I had that exact same dream as a child, and it just about broke my heart last year when I went into the newly-remodeled, vastly-improved, Alice-free Rapid City Public Library. Man, you brought back some good memories. I used to leave that library with the books stacked so high in my arms that I couldn't see over them. Aaahhhh, the good 'ol days.

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