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Another reason I love the library

Well, the Schmidt's PC will be down for at least 3-5 more days, the Geek at Geek Squad seemed to think it was the power supply. Unfortunately they do not have any power supply whatchamadinkies in stock at our local store, so I offered to run to another store and pick one up in order to expedite the process. I will be making a trip to the hood later today to purchase said power supply, oh the things I will do for connection to the outside world...

On a positive note, during this downtime I remembered our friendly Hennepin County Library has oodles of computers with the Internet so I can have some interaction and check in on my blog friends. I was able to come in and fix a horrible spelling error from my last blog which bothered me all last night. I put another "m" in commission and am feeling much better now.


Karen said…
Ah, yes. The library. I spent two months on those computers, while we were waiting for our household goods to arrive from Deutschland. I learned every trick imaginable in regard to getting a time slot, keeping a computer longer than an hour and even covertly kicking the gaming teenager off the adult computers. I imagine I'll be doing that again in a couple of months, and I'm glad you have the option. We missed you last week!

I didn't notice the spelling error, but also have lost sleep over spelling or the wording of a phrase.
bobbione8y said…
i was wondering what kind of magic was making those blog posts show up....the library!

i'm so glad for the internet, where horrid typos can be fixed. especially after YEARS as a print designer, where you ARE STUCK with the mistake forever. and also stuck with the wrath of the client.

life is good now.
Chris said…
Glad you are back! I am catching up on your blog, so I can't wait to read about your trip.

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