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Unicorns to Leprechauns

Stanley has been one of my favorites on The Office for quite some time and this line from last week's season finale was classic. We used to get something very similar to Schrute bucks at work which made me smile. We had our client on ours rather than our boss, let's just say some faces are just not made for currency.

Did anyone else laugh when Creed talked about his own blog Creed Thoughts?

The episode was great, Michael and Jan got back together which was painful to watch and the ending left me with a small glimmer of hope for Jim and Pam.

Wonder what next year has in store with Ryan the Temp in charge?


Anonymous said…
I haven't seen the finale yet but the 2nd to last episode, where they did the Survivor spoof was awesome. When Andy fell into the water in his sumo wrestler outfit, I almost died of laughter.
Have you guys seen the Will Ferrell internet video "Landlord"? If not, go to It is hilarious.
Susan, why are you moderating comments? did I say something offensive again? Shit!
Susan said…

I was putzing around with my comments and didn't realize I had put moderating on there. Oops.

I did see the Landlord. I thought I told you about it, wasn't it great?
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