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Samsonite - the big gift that costs so little

Today's exercise in patience was made much easier thanks to the Animal, I think the neighbors were wondering if I had a screw loose when I began vacuuming the rocks under our deck. I was waiting for Ted, the guy next door, to give me a bad time because I gave him so much grief this winter when he was shovelling his backyard. It turned out his dog had lost his favorite ball in the snow.

Anyway, I digress...

Sometime on Sunday during the big "wind storm", while the home office was golfing, our glass patio table managed to overturn and shatter into literally a thousand little pieces. The deck and cement weren't too bad to clean up, but the picking glass out of the rocks downright stunk. That was until I took the trusty Animal out and sucked up all the glass and then some.

I went to Seasonal Concepts today to look at a replacement set so we can enjoy this lovely weather with dinner on the deck. I soon discovered most of patio furniture I liked cost more than my first car. I honestly don't know if I can spend $2,500 on a table I know little man will more than likely take a bat to.

I am thinking the circa 1994, blue flowered, wedding gifted, Samsonite folding table and chairs are looking pretty good right about now.


Anonymous said…
Oh, Susan! I feel your pain! During our first winter at our house, we stored all of our outdoor furniture in the garage. One afternoon, I was walking out to the car and noticed that our table was shattered into a million pieces. I thought, "Oh no, we've been robbed!" (right). And then, "Did a raccoon get in here?" (uh-huh). It just expanded and contracted in the constant weather changes (and originally hailing from Florida, our poor table couldn't handle Minnesota). We went to Hoigaards to enquire about replacement glass. (gulp!). New table was cheaper. No wonder our landfills are so full - They are devouring our glassless tables!

Chris said…
Always shop for outdoor furniture off season. It will bite a little to use your card table over the summer, but you are right about the prices. I would NOT pay that much!

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