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Little blue wagon

I was talking to my mom today and we got to talking about the blog. When she is at my aunt's house she is computer-less and out of blog-touch. I told her about the Suzanne cake and we got to laughing.

When I was about 8 we were home visiting my grandma and grandpa in Pine City. My grandparents had moved out to the country and my grandpa was loving every minute of it, he had quite a bit of land and spent a lot of time hauling stuff around in a little wagon he built for his riding lawnmower. He would move brush from his land to the dump across the county road.

One afternoon, my sister and I were bored, so grandpa decided he would have us paint his little wagon. Amy and I painted it a light blue and decided to add some pictures with this brown paint. So Amy painted a picture of grandpa and his dog Buster and I decided to add a message to the back of the wagon. So in large letters I wrote:


Upon inspection, grandpa started laughing and asked if I had something against him cause he wasn't going to be able to drive his little wagon across the road because someone might take him up on the invitation on the back of the wagon.

I can remember being completely confused and soon realized I didn't quite plan out the spacing and my Hi There!, looked like:



bobbione8y said…
ha ha ha.

you need to write a book, i LIKE your family stories :)

once you are done traveling the country for your work, that is....!

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