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Shhh, I have a secret

A few months ago I read a little blurb about the publication of a book: My Secret: A PostSecret Book by Frank Warren. Everything about the book intrigued me.

Frank Warren began an art experiment back in 2004 on 3,000 blank postcards he distributed in various places like train stations, library books. He asked people to "anonymously contribute a secret to a group art project. Your secret can be a regret, fear, betrayal, desire, confession or childhood humiliation. Reveal anything - as long as it is true and you have never shared it with anyone before."

The secrets made their way to his mailbox and he posted the secrets on his blog. Two years later postcards keep on coming and coming. I finally picked up Warren's first book, PostSecret: Extraordinary Confessions from Ordinary Lives today from the library after being on the waiting list (for what felt like forever).

I have read every one of the confessions and I don't know really what to say. There were cards expressing many things I have felt or thought and others which shocked me. Most just made me sad knowing people walk around each day with amazing weight on their hearts and minds. There is little comfort in believing people's lives have been a little easier now that they have purged themselves of whatever they needed to.

So the question going around in my head right now is whether or not I should send a little note to Frank Warren. What secret would I tell? What secret would you tell?

13345 Copper Ridge Rd
Germantown, MD 20874


Karen said…
I just tried to request this from my library...the estimated wait is 252 days.

I'll be thinking about this, but am pretty sure my secrets are already out in the painful light of day.

We need to come up with our own project. This is a way cooler way to be famous than being Hannah Montana's dad.
carey said…
you both need to write books. i've been saying that for years. i will even PURCHASE copies, forget the whole library route...
Karen said…
I AM writing! Sheesh! Who wants to edit??

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