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The creative well is dry my friends, much like my yard

I don't know what the deal is, but I am totally in a blog funk right now... I just can't come up with any good "material" lately.

Has anyone else gone through this?

Maybe it is because my little muse has left me for the big wide world of kindergarten...

Little man did tell me the other day that the kiss I gave him reminded him of "dog vomit" cause it was too "slobbery". Hope he brushes up on the sweet talk before he meets his first girlfriend otherwise it may be his last.

BTW the picture above is not our yard, just wanted to make sure no one thought it was that bad. I mean the home office did turn off the sprinkler system because he no longer wanted to mow, but I will figure out how to run the #*($@& home office installed system if it gets to this point.


Anonymous said…
Susan, it's still one of my favorites and you still have IT!
bobbione8y said…

man, that's how it always works. you get people like me, glued to my desk in little ole South Dakota, and loving your stories.

then, mysteriously they disappear like a ufo took a whole family away or something.

then, the thoughts start to happen...are they sick? is susan depressed? did that whole job thing start and i forgot? where IS she? why did she leave us with that darn Britney shirt, couldn't she at least have composed something for the occasion?

then, "come to find out" it's really just the blog block. happens to everybody. happens BECAUSE you now have an audience, and you know it.

just relax, forget about us (well, not really) and it'll come back. really, it will. in the meantime, lame posts are allowed :)

i guess i've had the block for awhile then.....doh.
Chris said…
Believe I understand where you are at here. Sometimes, I am just so drained from my day, I can't think of a single interesting thing. Obviously you got it back, cuz I just read some great posts. And I knew that wasn't your yard in the pic, I thought you found a pic of mine!

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