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The force is strong in this one

JG began his obsession with Star Wars at the age of three, one look at Yoda and the kid was hooked. It was actually quite embarrassing at first because he could not say Star Wars to save his life, it always came out as Star Whores. I have heard many of my friends say their children have had the same problem, however you feel like you are completely alone when you are standing in Toys R Us and your child spots Darth Vader garb and begins to yell "whores" at the top of his lungs. Eventually he added the Star to Whores so at least then people would kind of laugh instead of stand there in complete horror (no pun intended).

Today Star Wars came back into our lives full force thanks to my sister. She sent little man a "Force Field" button thing which plays the Imperial Death March (aka Darth Vader's theme) over and over again. If you would like here is a little snippet you can play in your own home so you can share in our joy of unending Darth.

My dad and I were talking today in between the "Force Field" symphony and got to laughing about little man and some of the silly Star Wars things he used to do.

One day JG was playing with Mia, our dog, when we first adopted her. JG was getting kind of rough with Mia and she was dishing it right back. I told him he needed to settle down otherwise the dog was going to knock him over.

He turned to me and said with complete seriousness, "Mommy it's ok she can't knock me down. I have my Jedi force field."

Just then Mia knocked little man to the ground. He was shocked and began to cry. I went over picked him up to make sure he was ok. I wiped his tears and told him he was going to be just fine.

He looked at me and said, "I'm ok mommy I not hurt. I just crying because my force field not work."


DeAnn said…
I love your stories! They really make me smile especially on a day when I needed it! Thank you! By the way, can't wait to see you. Until then, may the force be with you....
Karen said…
May the force be will ALL of you! Sure wish I could come, but, uh, I've got things to do here...


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