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South of the border

We Schmidts are off to Mexico. It has been a crazy, crazy week running amok, amok, amok (that's for you Nik). I think we are set, my foot is doing amazing! I am not even taking das boot along, but instead opting for not so trendy New Balances with full orthotics and Crocs - this getting old is not for the faint of heart.

We have convinced JG he does not need to bring his brass, multi-colored glass turtle nightlight which weighs a bloody ton. AE has also decided to leave the rock collection at home, thank goodness. JG also informed us we needed to leave on Sunday rather than Saturday because there is a SpongeBob marathon Saturday on Nickelodeon followed by an ALL NEW SPONGEBOB EPISODE (yes, he really does yell the whole thing). Managed to change his departure plans back to Saturday thanks to the magic of technology and have set the DVR so we should be ok.

Wanted to apologize to my blog friends, I have kept up this week bit by bit, but have been a bad blog friend by not commenting, I think the thought, but haven't been able to get it into comments yet. Sigh.

So here are a few replys:

Karen - so glad you are loving Joe. I really, really liked the book. Am bringing the Atrocious Lies along with many other hopeful reads so should have recommendations when I am back. So happy your family (oh, and the quilt) are whole again.

Carey - We need to get your little man and my little man together. They are so alike. I loved his blog, or brog as JG says it. Also, we will be able to go shopping very soon here in Mpls and we can go a SSSLLLLOOOOWWW as we want. DLS stinks at shopping too.

Bobbi - I can pick up the cute puppy for you when I get back and bring it on over. Isn't she just the sweetest thing? RAGOM actually has some dogs in SD as well, so if you are interested look and see where the pup-pups are boarded. :-) Oh, I also listened to Al Green yesterday on the iPod and thought of you. Thanks for that pick me up.

K - love the bookmarks you need to teach me how to do those for my book club.

DeAnn - Good luck on the car shopping, can't wait to hear what you pick out.

Luci - Will forward many books to you upon my return either that or you can stop on over if you are in the area visiting Vern and Lois. My mom will be here with Mimi and would love to see you and the boys. If you call ahead I bet she will even make you Krispy treats.


K~ said…
HAVE A GREAT TIME!!! I would love to teach you. NOT HARD... JUST TIME CONSUMING! K~
Chris said…
Hey! I am feeling left out. Have a good trip.

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